The end of the old And She Draws Big
Jan 11, 2024
If you’ve been thinking that throughout our lives we have to stick to one particular career, and any change or shift can distance us more and more from success, then, I have a story to share. Why it’s crucial to recognize the shift in your emotions, why actions you’re choosing to take every single day build your success, and why passion is an essential component of being successful in whatever you’re doing.
The project And She Draws Big was born during my interior design studies when, due to a lack of creativity, I decided to create an online home for my creative ideas. It was initially conceived as a studio for design, illustration, and photography. I was educating myself, and started taking my first tiny steps in entrepreneurship while studying full time and working part time in a hotel to support myself financially.
Lesson No. 1️⃣ Don’t burn bridges when starting a new journey. Make a transition smooth while keeping your current position and dedicate your free time to working on your passion.
When I decided to do interior illustration for clients full time, I was burning for it, searching for clients 24/7, and as a result, got the first projects almost instantly.Sometimes I even had to reject some of them due to work overload.
Then, I created this Instagram account where you guys found me. The response was incredible, so I decided to share my life-long drawing skills with you.
Seven years later, after founding the And She Draws Big brand, I started feeling that something is missing, there could be much more. This led to inconsistent drawing routine, posting, and filming. I started feeling depressed (but wasn’t showing it to the public, though) and tried to figure out what was going on.
A huge part of my brand has always been reaching the craziest goals, not settling for mediocrity, constantly working on personal development, not to mention boosting female entrepreneurship. And when I admitted to myself that YES! I have SO MUCH MORE to share than drawing tutorials, I found the missing piece to the puzzle.
Yes, I was, am, and always will be a Creative,
but I’ve also gone through some serious sh*t in order to have the life I have now - starting completely from zero, alone, while being a broke immigrant with 200 Euros in my pocket, and having so many rejections that I was almost kicked out of the country…
…to working with dream clients and having built the most incredible global creative community, being able to live in a city and apartment I want, being able to travel whenever I want wherever I want, being able to walk away from relationships because I’ve outgrown them instead of staying there out of fear.
👉 So, I know exactly what you might be going through now, which challenges you might have, and I can help you get through them by helping you to shift your mindset and providing you with all the tools you need to be a successful professional, entrepreneur, and Creative.
Lesson No.2️⃣ Recognize, acknowledge, and accept the fact that you’ve changed, you’ve grown, and that not everyone from your environment will keep up. Some of them want to keep the old version of you, because that version is more familiar to them. And not everyone wants to grow with you and leave their own comfort zone.
Does this mean that I’ll stop design and sketching? ABSOLUTELY NOT! It’s still a HUGE part of me that has been with me since I was born (I come from a creative family where my mom is an architect, and dad an engineer + art school studies from the age of 11, I’m now 30, you do the math).
A significant addition to my work will be focusing on self-empowerment, creative living, and female entrepreneurship.
Unfiltered. Imperfect. REAL. Period.
These are the exact topics, by the way, about which I keep receiving requests and comments, so this idea was also born because of your feedback. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT 💛
I will continue to be here with you and will continue growing and evolving TOGETHER.
Welcome to the new era of And She Draws Big ✨
If you’ve made it this far, a huge thank you for reading this message - that means the world to me. Let's embark on new adventures and growth together!
Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series
This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!
Start exploring: