To outline or not to outline? That’s the question!
Jan 12, 2024
Why not just outline photos or computer models? I get this question more than you would imagine, so I decided to take a closer look at it!
👉 Rule No.1.
At art school, I learned that we have to see through an object instead of just coloring the front surface. This is how you fully capture the depth of the room.
And… it’s how you develop professionalism.
You may say, “great Anna, but what if I don’t really have time for a complex illustration and need to quickly illustrate my ideas?”
Great question! Absolutely! Drawing above the photos and adding color to basic computer renderings is a great solution, but before you do that, it’s best to know what the framework of the space or object consists of, to know foundations, line philosophy and color theory.
Starting off by outlining will create too undesirable outcomes…
1️⃣ You will train your brain to think about things in the wrong way.
2️⃣ You won’t be able to develop your approach any further.
📌 Working without templates will throw into a quandary and make it difficult for your to express your ideas clearly.
Remember that story about Picasso’s napkin? When he quickly sketched a composition and the price for this quick drawing was several tens of thousands of dollars?
Would he have been able to do that so masterfully without any difficulty if he’d been been outlining drawings throughout his career?
Or if he didn’t have the depth of knowledge and experience that comes from living creatively? Definitely not!
Knowing how to sketch freehand from scratch is crucial to making your art original and unique = value.
Let me address any concerns you might have about whether you’ll be able to develop the framework of a complex interior in Procreate without using any photo or computer generated model as a guide.
The example below shows a striking interior drawn completely from scratch. The framework is not obviously visible, but it’s there, and thanks to that framework the room has depth and drama.
Another example of a bird’s-eye-view.
There’s another benefit to drawing from scratch…. It’s my secret… Now it’s yours!
Drawing from scratch brings so much satisfaction that after you’ve finished your freehand sketch you’ll feel on top of the world!
Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series
This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!
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